I can't believe it's been four months since I've updated this blog.
I had great plans for updates, especially through Christmas.
Unfortunately, very shortly after the holiday's my laptop was dropped (details to follow) and we have suffered yet another hard drive crash.
I lost about six months worth of pictures.
All I have left is what hadn't yet been deleted on my memory cards.
I can actually type this without crying now.
I have now learned that it is unlikely that I will EVER learn my lesson about data backup.
Anyway, it's been a fun filled four months. The kids have kept up crazy busy. The following pictures are a quick glimpse at what's left of the last four months :)
I had great plans for updates, especially through Christmas.
Unfortunately, very shortly after the holiday's my laptop was dropped (details to follow) and we have suffered yet another hard drive crash.
I lost about six months worth of pictures.
All I have left is what hadn't yet been deleted on my memory cards.
I can actually type this without crying now.
I have now learned that it is unlikely that I will EVER learn my lesson about data backup.
Anyway, it's been a fun filled four months. The kids have kept up crazy busy. The following pictures are a quick glimpse at what's left of the last four months :)
Leaving for Turkey Feast at Julie's House. Adam's debut as a "highway driver".
Mason has us all participating in thee "Kitty Cup Chant"
Lara and her buddy Francesca
Lara and her new buddy Hanley.
LOADING UP!!! Lara, Melissa, and Ashley
Cousins and buddies - Daniel and Hunter
Julia - Fully Loaded ;)
Leah and Tommy bring us baby Dennis - He's sooo cute.
While new mom and dad spend time in the hospital, we get to watch Frankie :)
My only saved photo from Christmas. Fitting that it's of Lara. She's the one that dropped my laptop. I'm still angry. She was grounded from the computer for a month.
LARA TURNS 13!!!!! better known as "can I survive two teenagers in one house?"
New Year's Eve. We had a great dinner with the Purcell's and the Santschi's, then over to the Donahue's for the Midnight Countdown. Matt and Adam challenge each other at Wii Boxing.
Nora and Lara
Our village has a 12:00 NOON balloon drop for all the kids....they love it.
After the new year, we got to puppysit Hanley for almost two weeks.
THAT was interesting :) We LOVE LOVE LOVE Hanley, but have decided against getting a dog :)
These next few shots are of Lara. She kept us very busy during what is a typical down time for our family. As if cheerleading wasn't enough, she also tried out for volleyball.
I can't believe how strong she is, especially since she really is so small for her age. Here she is doing a "one man", holding Stacie all by herself.
Lara and Mary - Cheer competition
Kassie, Kimmie and Lara 6 am, ready for cheer competition. FIRST PLACE!!!!! WOOT WOOT!!!!
Lara sleeping at BW3 after a long day of competition.
We are getting ready for baseball season and outdoor soccer.
I am going to be more dilligent with this darn blog too.